The YubiServe project reaches version 3.0.
Along with some bugfixes, both the HTTPS/SSL and the optional MySQL support have been added.
The YubiServe Validation server is now production ready.
All the configurations can be made into a separate configuration file, and the HTTPS/SSL support allows a more confidential server connection. And, of course, the server certificate is customizable.
So, with version 3.0, these are the main features:
- It is an integrated web appliance to authenticate tokens. It supports both OATH Tokens and Yubico Yubikeys.
- Simple to use
- Integrated web appliance, so, no apache, java, php or mysql installation is required
- Threaded webserver for improved performances
- Optional MySQL Server support added with version 3.0
- HTTPS/SSL Support added with version 2.9
- 100% compatible with Yubico validation protocol 2.0
- HMAC SHA-1 signatures to authenticate the server response using your API Key
- Delayed OTP checks (Yubico Yubikey only: OATH implementation doesn’t allow such check)
More informations and source code at Google Code Project: Yubico-YubiServe

The YubiServe project reaches version 2.0.
It started as a lightweight validation server, based on python, sqlite, php and apache; but the needing of a whole webserver like apache and the php modules too, wasn’t really “lightweight”… so the entire code has been rewritten.
Now, with 2.0 release, all the requirements have been dropped down to only python-sqlite and python-crypto packages. It now supports the standard Yubico validation protocol 2.0 and the whole web appliance is self contained in a single python file.
The key features are:
- It is an integrated web appliance to authenticate tokens. It supports both OATH Tokens and Yubico Yubikeys.
- Simple to use
- Integrated web appliance, so, no apache, java, php or mysql installation is required
- Threaded webserver for improved performances
- 100% compatible with Yubico validation protocol 2.0
- HMAC SHA-1 signatures to authenticate the server response using your API Key
- Delayed OTP checks (Yubico Yubikey only: OATH implementation doesn’t allow such check)
Same queries as Yubico Validation Servers are used, so porting your applications to this server really just need changing the http addresses.
Improvements were made about performances (it uses several threads!), and the OATH/HOTP support has been added.
After removing the copyrighted parts (some PHP functions were a Yubico copyright), everything has been released under the GNU/GPL license.
A lot of documentation has been added to the Google Code Project, so it should be really easy to understand how it works, and to configure and use it.
More informations and source code at Google Code Project: Yubico-YubiServe

The project aims to develop a user-friendly PVR web interface to download automatically tv series, using transmission, php, python and mysql. The whole project has been rewritten (before being released) to implement classes, to easily expand its functionalities.
Has been added the support to automatically:
- Download subtitles (through customizable php scripts, a plugin for addic7ed.com comes out of the box!)
- Generate files for XBMC
- Subscribe and download your own shows (show quality is now customizable)
More informations and source code at Google Code Project: mytvondemand

Easy downloader for subtitles published by Italian Subs Addicted, written in Python, with cache. Easy implementation, easy to use. Just edit the username and the password inside the script, and call it with names of the episodes you want to download.
./pyitasa.py "/home/media/Serie/Lie to me/Lie to me - 03x02 - The Royal We.avi"
More informations and source code at Google Code Project: pyitasa
EasyTVDB: A powerful library implementation for TheTVDB database, written in python

All the other libraries using TheTVDB database didn’t fit my needs, so i wrote my own library. All is based upon keeping it simple. The library uses an implementation using dictionaries, so it’s very easy to get the information from it.
Information contained in the dictionaries:
- TV Series information
- Episodes (with thumbnails)
- Actors information (with thumbnails)
- Banners
- Fanart
Special features implemented
- Caching (if you ask twice for the same series, it doesn’t need to fetch the information again… but if you need it, you can override it too!)
- TV Series name match evaluation with percentage and main information about the series
- Only 5k of (simple!) code
- Documentation examples to show how does it works!
Class declaration:
easytv = EasyTVDB(api_key)
Search for a show:
showlist = easytv.findShow('lie to me')
Retrieve tv series information:
series = easytv.tvshowToDict(show_id)
Access to tv series information:
Retrieve the cached dictionary:
See the example contained into the library to try it!
More information and source code at Google Code Project: easytvdb
YubiServe is a lightweight Yubikey OTP Validation Server, written using php (api), python (console backend) and using an SQLite database.
NOTE: This version has been superseded by YubiServe 2.0. Check it out!
Many servers have been made by Yubico, but none of them has been thought to be used with a small number of users or keys.
This server uses an optimized small sqlite database, useful when you want to pretect your own servers, services, tools… and don’t want to rely upon internet connection.
Personally, my purpose is to use it on a pool of virtual machines, to manage my authentication locally intead of using Yubico services.
It has been published under GNU license; except some parts of the file “yubiserve-utils.php”, made by Simon Josefsson for Yubico AB, whose parts are copyrighted.
Feel free to use or edit it!
More informations about installation are into README file.
More informations and source code at Google Code Project: YubiServe
The Yubikey plugin for RoundCube hosted on SourceForge (link is here) doesn’t work with RoundCube 0.3.1, so I patched it for new version.
I still don’t know if it works also with RoundCube 0.4 beta, eventually a new version will be released.
Link to yubikey_rc-0.2
Come promesso, allego quindi qualche appunto che ho scritto riguardo l’uso del terminale, comprensivo dei principali comandi, sul logging per risolvere eventuali problemi di installazione e sull’importazione di database di Access.
Comandi terminale ed esportazione database Access
Allego le slides OpenOffice relative al corso di docenza tenuto con Stoà.
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A breve allegherò alcuni appunti sull’uso del terminale, dei principali files di configurazione, di logging ed altri appunti per quanto concerne l’importazione di database da files di Microsoft Access in formato .mdb.